Like all mommies, sometimes I’m just so darn proud of my baby that I have to share it with the world, or just those who read my blog.
So here is the thing. In the ward that I live in, Minato-ku, a melody is broadcasted over the entire ward at exactly 5 pm everyday. I heard it’s to remind kids to go home for dinner (nice to see my tax money go to good use, eh?). It’s hard to describe the melody if you have never been to Japan, but for those who know, it’s like the chime played at school.
One day, I happened to walk under one of the loudspeakers with Libby at precisely 5pm. A few seconds after the melody started I heard this really funny hoarse kind of noise. I turned my head around to see where it’s coming from and then realized that my Libby was the source of this strange sound. She had her neck stretched out and nose pointed upward, like a little wolf! This being the first time in her life that she attempted to howl, half the sound died off in her throat and what came out sounded more like choking than howling. I was so amused by it that I burst out laughing in the middle of the street, and I think Libby was immensely embarrassed. She didn’t give up though and would try every now and then to perfect her howling.
She finally succeeded today! Since we are grounded at home by the incessant rain, Libby spent most part of the day on the couch by the window. When the chime went off at 5, she felt inspired to answer. Still curled up in a ball with her chin rested on her front paws, she effortlessly howled the most beautiful mezzo-soprano howl that I’ve ever heard.
Bravo, Libby! Mommy’s so proud.
Cute Libby! The doggie is smart!
Did Libby have her "doggie translator collar" handy when she howled? I wonder what she was trying to say...
You do have one helluva smart dog, Lynn!
Hey you guys, thanks for the compliments! Curtsy, curtsy, bow, bow =o)
Hsin-li, Minato-ku collects too much tax from you and they have to think of frivolous ways to spend it, that's why.
Lynn - I'm proud of Libby too! She is such a sweetie. This story reminded me of when I was working as a piano tuner in Tokyo - I saw lots of pet dogs, cats, hamsters etc. at my customer's houses and some of the dogs howled only when I played an A note (not every A, particular one), I also remember that another dog howled when ambulance passed nearby. I guess they thought the sound was sort of like another dog howling!
Minato-ku collects too much tax because only rich people live there ;)
Really? A notes, huh! That's funny, but I never thought of Libby as musical because when I practice she always runs away. Or maybe it's just that I am bad ;oP
And, not rich people, just suckers!
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