Monday, February 21, 2005

Sourdough, AT LAST

Three starters and months of frustration later, I present to you, my very first sour-tasting bread. I don't know what I did right this time, but somehow, miraculously the stars were aligned and all the forces worked in harmony, and this loaf of bread had all the soury taste of a real bakery sourdough. It's got tahini and a whole cup of sesame seeds in it (should've only been half a cup, but I forgot to cut it down in half along with the rest of the recipe, oops), so it is extra fragrant too. I am so excited over this new turn of events in my kitchen that I just have to share it with everyone.

Now I can go walk my dog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uhhh, am afraid not, cos the success came so unexpected. This was going to be my last attempt before I order some commercial sourdough starter from Tengu Food.