Four hours and fifteen minutes is the time; Nagano is the place; and April 17, 2005 is the date. Not bad for a first marathon, eh?
Other than some minor muscle aches and a painful ankle, Jason is recovering surprisingly well. He even hobbled to our favorite izakaya for a little celebratory dinner. Meanwhile, I am thoroughly exhausted from being chauffer, cheerleader, and photographer/videographer. I'm just glad that he's got the marathon out of his system, so we can have our weekends back.
Congrats to Jason! To answer your earlier question, my birthday is April Fool's.
Hooray! Jason looks suitably tired yet triumphant. Please pass along my congratulations!
Wow, congratulations! Running a full marathon is something I want to do one day (but maybe too late)... Hope you have a great time in the States.
Thanks you guys for all the kind words. I realized just how LONG the course was when we were driving home on the same route. Can't believe he ran all that. At the same time I had such an adrenaline rush (yeah, from his success) that in a moment of insanity I breifly contemplated running one myself. Me who cannot even run 500m, ha!
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