Farewell, my little tiny cute cucumbers! I’m sorry I’m not able to move you inside or to Hsin-li’s house along with the rest of the herbs. You’re on your own now for two weeks while I explore the Plateau of Tibet. I hope it rains a lot in Tokyo. But if it doesn’t, I hope the 2L bottle of water I stuck in the pot will provide some relief.

Look at how much you’ve grown in the three weeks that I’ve had you. I hope you survive this. Think of it as a test of endurance. I’m sure you’ll come out a better cucumber plant.
Lynn, I hope you are keeping well and having a great time in Tibet...
Did they survive?
FYI, Hsin did not fail me. All the plants I sent to her house did very well, except for one that was doomed anyway.
Keiko, I had a great time. I'm just very tired after the trip.
And the cucumber did survive miraculously. Although it keeps on sprouting little cucumbers, none of them grew bigger than 3cm. According to my mom the cucumber queen, there's just not enough nutrients if you plant them in a pot.
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